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Hey 👋

I thought it was time to attempt to capture the best I can on how the past couple of months have been.

Quite simply, exhausting!

Our order book is currently full and we are working extra hard to get on top of things before our little family trip next month. We appreciate every single order, little or large and near or far. This week alone we have had orders heading all across the globe with Norway, Ireland, Australia, Austria, Germany, Netherlands, USA and Canada!

I'm exhausted, Kat (my lovely wife) is also exhausted. We have two young kiddos, 7 pets, a home, a marriage, friendships and a business to keep on top of and we are currently at a bit of a bottleneck as I am the only sewer. I need time to develop new (And current) products. I feel like just fulfilling the orders in the book isn't fulfilling in itself. I NEED time to create.

Being self-employed is hard. Being employed is hard. Being unemployed is hard. So, if you're reading this, remember to take the time you need if you're feeling exhausted or burnt out.

Thanks for reading and if any of you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out. I will always reply personally 😊


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Apr 28, 2023

Brother! You (and Kat and kiddos) are going a great job. You should all be very proud of each other. You are busy with orders which is great… better than having zero orders.

Just do what you can do. Sounds like you attract ‘nice’ customers who totally understand your situation.

Keep on keeping on!! ♥️


Sean Trotter
Sean Trotter
Apr 28, 2023

My brother!! The age old saying of “nothing worth having ever comes easy”, or the well worn “hard work pays off” all come to mind. I love that sticker in your pic- “Grit and Glory” (coaching)- without the grit, there is no glory!

Those sayings are all cool when it comes to achieving goals or dreams, but ain’t nothing more important than something as simple as time with your family!

Enjoy it mate!! You guys earn it! And what a wonderful example you guys set for your girls 🥰


Ian Morley
Ian Morley
Apr 27, 2023

Time off is precious, make sure you enjoy it.

Keep up your great work, you’re doing amazing.

Apr 27, 2023
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You’re right. I am looking forward to time with my girls.


Good advice - let’s all go for a chill ride 😍

Apr 27, 2023
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Yes! Let’s do it 🙋🏻‍♂️😊


Hey man,

It's almost time for your break; I know how grateful you'll be when you've got time to 'just breathe'. Let it be known though, that despite how hard things are right now, things will get better.

The things you've listed that need keeping on top of are vital, not always in that order; you chose to make a life with your wife, your children are equally important, however, they are also an addition to the life you both committed to each other - you're all committed to each other in slightly different ways, and that's so amazing.

Do you know why you're successful? You're successful because you do this for the four of you, so that you can…

Apr 27, 2023
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Thanks Kirk

I always appreciate your words.

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